Promoting Education and Research on Energy-efficient Lighting and renewable energy for sustainable development (EARLI) Project involved the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania; Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), Mozambique; and Addis Abeba University (AAU), Ethiopia under the coordination of Aalto Univerity in Finland. At UDSM it involves members from CoICT and the College of Engineering and Technology (CoET).
The overall objective of the EARLI Project is to support Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania, Mozambique and Ethiopia to provide education that promotes sustainable socio-economic development. The application of renewable energy and the adoption of energy-efficient lighting products and systems have great potential to reduce increasing energy demands and greenhouse gas emissions. Tanzania, Mozambique, and Ethiopia have a large potential in renewable energy and energy saving by applying energy-efficient techniques. The project will support the development of much-needed technical expertise and experience in the field of energy-efficient lighting.
In addition to the development of teaching, research and training capacity of the partner institutions, the project supports interaction between higher education and society through awareness-raising activities, need assessment activities, and dissemination events. By involving non-academic partners such as the energy fund, the electricity and energy authorities, the standards agency, etc in the project activities as associate partners, the project intends to strengthen the cooperation between universities and the public sector. The project strengthens the relevance of education in the labour market by providing education and training reflecting the needs of the local labour market. The project activities are designed to improve the quality of pedagogical capacities, research and teaching capacities, as well as human resource capacities of partner institutions in Tanzania, Mozambique, and Ethiopia.
The project is funded through Finnish development cooperation aid and belongs to the Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument (HEI ICI) administered by EDUFI, the Finnish National Agency for Education. HEI ICI supports collaboration projects between higher education institutions in Finland and developing countries with the aim of enhancing higher education capacity in the developing world.
Aalto University, Lighting Unit is the Project Co-ordinator. The project duration is August 2017- January 2020
Professor Nerrey H. Mvungi - Principal Investigator
Professor Nerrey H. Mvungi - Principal Investigator
Professor Mwinyiwiwa (CoET) - member
Dr Hamis Ndetabaru (CoICT) - member
Dr Suzan Lujara (CoICT) - member
Professor Nerrey H. Mvungi - Principal Investigator