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A Welcome Message from the College Principal

  • 01 Nov
  • 2021

An invitation to all new students to join the CoICT family..

It is indeed with great pleasure, honour, and privilege to welcome you all to the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), the Campus College of Information and Communication Technologies (CoICT), commonly known as CoICT Kijitonyama. By joining CoICT, you have been privileged to join a great family of competent staff who are ready to support your academic life and a companion of many other intelligent students in their second, third or fourth year of their degree programmes. Similarly, upon completion of your studies, you will become part of the CoICT alumni who are found in all walks of life in our country and beyond. The UDSM has a rich history attached to it. Many great leaders, businessmen/women, entrepreneurs, innovators and experts working in Tanzania and abroad find their roots in this very University. Therefore, I congratulate you all for being among the few who have been privileged to take the first step towards a promising prosperous future.  

The ICT and computing training you will get at CoICT will equip and enable you to engage in a variety of public and private organisations such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs), non-governmental organisation, services and production companies, and international organisations. Your expertise will be needed in the ICT and computing industry and in health, agriculture, education, finance, trade, mining, entertainment, and manufacturing sectors, to name a few. You are studying a professional field that constantly changes and develops in response to new technological inventions, innovations and market demand. There will always be something new and different within the ICT domain, hence making the field dynamic, exciting and challenging.

Once you graduate as an ICT professional, you will have an opportunity to use ICT in different ways to make a difference to the community and the nation by enabling people to achieve more at their working places, to improve performance, to facilitate services delivery, to optimise production, to solve complex problems, and to handle tasks. The ICT training will enable you to better understand organisations’ business processes, innovate context-specific solutions, and look forward to the technological future. You have the whole world ahead of you and the limit is your commitment to study, learn, innovate, and apply the knowledge and the skills you acquire.

As an ICT student, on the one hand, you should think locally in terms of how ICT provides an opportunity to address the challenges we face as a country and to speed up our socioeconomic development, and on the other hand globally in terms of how to become technically and technologically competent with necessary skills to contribute and compete in the global ICT market. As a global network, the Internet is the foundation of global ubiquitous computing that makes the influence of ICT stronger than organisation, country, and regional boundaries, and helps us realise that the delivery of ICT services extends well beyond the confines of specific locations and physical boundaries. It is my hope that you will use the internet resources on campus and elsewhere as a learning tool and a platform to connect you with the global communities of ICT and computing professionals.

The CoICT has prepared an information pack (available on the CoICT Website) to make it possible and easy for you to access general information about UDSM and specific information to CoICT found in different sources such as the prospectus, websites and information systems you will interact with, such as the Academic Registration Information Systems (ARIS). The college has made an effort to ensure that information in this pack is accurate and up-to-date.  I hope that you will find this booklet useful as you familiarise yourself with the university culture, system and operations. In case of missing information in this book or any other query you may have, do not hesitate to contact your Head of Department, or coordinators of postgraduate studies, undergraduate studies and non-degree programmes. Once again, I warmly welcome you to the campus College of ICT of the University of Dar es salaam and I am looking forward to working with you towards achieving your academic goals.

Dr M. M. Kissaka
Principal, CoICT
October 2021