



Research Group Details

Information Systems and Digital Innovations (ISDI)

Group Information

Information Systems and Digital Innovations research group (ISDIRG) deals with ICT-related research and its application in various sectors such as Health, Business, Water, Road Safety, Agriculture, Business, etc. Innovation is also an important emerging field as organisations are increasingly dependent on ICT to improve operations, facilitate processes and gain competitive advantages.

This is a research group that strives to learn from and contribute to the body of knowledge specific to information systems. At the department, the group includes academicians with a passion for information systems as well as postgraduate students. Students from MSc in Health Informatics, Information Systems Management, Computers Science, and all PhD programmes can find relevant research areas in this research group.

Group Research Area

The group, therefore, engages in understanding the intricacies of Information Systems through several research areas including;

  1. Design: addressing challenges and approaches in the architectural design, interface design, organizational designs, user participation, as well as the influence of these designs in Information Systems implementation.

  2. Implementation: This addresses issues related to the scaling up of Information Systems, integration, mobilization, interdependencies of actors, and others.

  3. Users: System use evaluations, user satisfaction.

  4. Connectedness: This area attempts to understand information systems in their connectedness using theoretical lenses like Information Infrastructures, Digital Platforms, ICT Ecosystems, and others.

  5. IS evidence: this includes the search for evidence of value added by information systems implementation to the application domains.

  6. Organisational change and change management: these areas focus on the organisational changes and system thinking approach in the implementations of IS and the role of IS projects in causing (as the source of) or facilitating (drivers of) organisational change. 

Group Leadership

The organisation of the Research Group
Dr Mathew Mndeme and Dr Masound Mahundi are co-coordinating this research group. The group is run through meetings and there is one in every week unless stated otherwise. Consult with the group coordinator for the specific day, time and venue of the meetings. You can reach them through:

  • Dr Mathew Mndeme - E-mail: mathewmndeme@udsm.ac.tz,          Mobile: +255 (0) 788 835 883
  • Dr Masoud Mahundi- E-mail: mmahundi97@gmail.com,                 Mobile: +255 (0) 713 832 252



https://cse.udsm.ac.tz/view-staffs/staff-details/44Members of the staff

  1. Dr Honest Kimaro
  2. Dr Mathew Mndeme
  3. Dr Masoud Mahundi
  4. Dr Salome Maro
  5. Dr Ruthbetha Kateule
  6. Dr Leonard Peter
  7. Dr Wilfred Senyoni
  8. Dr Jimmy Mbelwa
  9. Ms Betty Mbwilo

PhD Research Students

  1. Mr Emmanuel Budigila (MSc & BSc, UDSM)
  2. Mr Eaton Lambert Okello (MSc & BSc, Makerere)

MSc Research Students